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The corsetry featured on this doll is sculpted to her body and is NOT removable. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the painted surface has not transferred onto the "un-corseted" part of the doll's torso, repeated movement at the new torso joint may result in paint transfer. This is not a considered a fault and can be easily addressed with the light careful use of 'white block' used for resin BJD's . (magic eraser) style of block can also be used.
If you believe this may be an issue for you then please do not purchase this doll as this form of paint transfer will not be a reason to either return the doll for replacement or request a refund.
ALL information and guidance below is written for our dolls only!
Please always contact your dolls creator for their clarification and advise regarding their work.
We use professional products that are not available for purchase by the general public. So we have done some research and testing for you on products that are safe to use.
There are many different types of resins on the market today that are used within the doll world. The most popular seem to be "Industrial resins" generally because they contain added ingredients usually for weight, oil, etc. We did a lot of research into resin it was important for us to find a resin that would not cause any health issues for us whilst working on the dolls ( sanding and constructing dolls etc. )
So we opted for a custom organic resin, blended exclusively for our dolls. Organic resins do not contain the paraffins/oils of industrial resins therefore they are more prone to drying out.
What causes the resins to dry out? Changing temperatures in an environment, hot and cold air systems, central heating. Basically dryness is caused by a lack of humidity in the air. Think if it like how your skin might react to different temperatures. This is normally not a big issue for the dolls and can be easily very addressed.
The way to put back the moisture into the resin. Typically we would use a mold/mould release agent that is used whilst casting. However we have looked at alternatives for you and tested them for you on our dolls over the last 6 months. We would advise trying these (see picture) Bio Oil or Vaseline. My preferred option would be Bio Oil but Vaseline works very well also.
Our dolls:
We DO NOT use sealants on the surfaces. These are problematic and will decay over time and collect/attract environmental dust. The surface of our dolls are naturally matte; nothing artificial is used to achieve this look and feel to our resin.
Oils and your dolls; the sweat from your skin/hands which produce oil is not the same as what we have recommended to you.
We always advise all our collectors to use white cotton gloves when playing with their dolls to avoid a greasy surface look to the resin.
Try this method on a part of the doll that is not noticeable first, like the foot or thigh area perhaps. This is not a complicated process and with care you and your Kingdom Doll will be just fine.